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Mission Statement


We always strive for greater customer and employee satisfaction.


We relentlessly pursue research and development to offer window covering products that will create a comfortable home and office environment and contribute to the well-being of society.


We strive with our united efforts across the Group to secure stable and continuous revenue, and thereby fulfill our responsibility to society.

Our environmental initiative drives our factories in the manufacturing of a wide range of products.

In order to create “pleasant” living spaces, it is essential to make considerations for the environment. At the Nichibei headquarters, continuing from our acquisition of domestic and international ISO9001 certification in January, 1999, we also acquired the industry’s first ISO14001 certification in June, 2000. Moreover, in making a proactive drive to zero our emissions of industrial waste, we began reutilizing waste. In 1996 we won the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center Chairman’s Award. Furthermore, we won the Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award for Excellent Green Factories in 2001. And we won the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Minister’s Award for Excellent Green Factories in 2005. Nichibei’s environmental policy is utilized in manufacturing products. We have introduced mechanisms and materials that consider recycling and energy reduction in addressing concerns about the natural environment. And in terms of our daily environment, we are developing functionality and designs that consider healthy living and the aging society.

Working to protect your personal information.

As a business handling personal information, we will work to properly deal with personal information and have established a privacy policy for protection of personal information related to information acquisition, use, third party provision, management, and requests for disclosure. Detailed information regarding our personal information privacy policy is posted on our website.

ISO9001 Certification Acquisition (January 1999)

ISO9001 is applied to companies that accept orders and undertake work in design, manufacturing, inspection and delivery.

ISO14001 Certification Acquisition (June 2000)

ISO14001 sets forth the required provisions for creating a continually operating “environmental management system” that improves environmental performance and reduces the burden to the environment of services, products and business activities.